Welcome to the django-model-revisioning documentation!

django-model-revisioning adds history to your models - migration compatible!


What does django-model-revisioning provide?

django-model-revisioning makes copies of your models so that the django migration framework actual tables in your database.

Say you have a model called Movie, django-model-revisioning will create a model called MovieRevision. Every time you save an instance of Movie a MovieRevision instance will be created as well.

If you then add new fields to Movie, django-model-revisioning will pick up on it and add the same fields to MovieRevision.


You can install the pre-release version using the following command:

pip install django-model-revisioning

Note that this is an alpha version and is not recommended for production use!


To install a flux capacitor in your model inherit from RevisionModel and define a Revisions class in your model, like this:

from django.db import models
from model_revisioning.models import RevisionModel

class Movie(RevisionModel):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    year = models.IntegerField()

    class Revisions:
        fields = ["name", "year"]

See Options for which options are available.

Indices and tables